About SAIT Library (St.Aloysius Institute of Technology, Library)
Welcome to SAIT CENTRAL Library of the St. Aloysius Institute of Technology, Library is housed with all modern amenities. The mission of the Library is to provide information services and access to bibliographic, full text both in digital and printed resources to support the scholarly and information needs of all students, faculty members and staff. The college library is well equipped with large number of textbook, reference books, periodicals, journals and newspapers. The Library remains open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m on all working days.
Library Collection
The SAIT CENTRAL LIBRARY has a huge collection of over 20000 books in different branches, 1650 CD’s/ DVD’s and over 80 hard copy journals and magazines in last five years. The same tends to grow at a very expediential rate in coming years and library is well equipped with large number of textbook, reference books, periodicals, journals/ e Journals and newspapers.
The library receives 80 journals and 10 magazines in specialized areas. The library consists of reading hall, internet browsing center, reference section, open access periodical and research library. The library is automated with Library Software to ease its clientele at various levels while in the library.
The Library services are designed to ensure maximum use & participation of the users in the library . The services of the library include:
• Book Circulation Service
• Reference service / Referral Service
• Journals & General magazine section
• Newspaper section
• Web OPAC / Bibliographic service
• Online Access to e-resources
• Reprographic services
• SC/ST Book Bank scheme, Etc…
• SAIT Digital Library :
A SAIT digital library is a collection of documents in organized electronic form, available on the Internet or on CD-ROM (compact-disk read-only memory) disks. Depending on the specific library, a user may be able to access magazine articles, books, papers, images, sound files, and videos. SAIT CENTRAL Library digitized the following Materials.
• Books CDs
• E-Books
• NPTL (video Lectures)
• Faculty Publications
•Previous Years Question Papers
• Syllabus of All Semesters and all branches
• Newsletters, etc…..
Reference section:
• This section has Encyclopedia, dictionaries, Textbooks Reference books etc. which are only available for reference. User can make use of these resources.
Journal Section :
• In these section journals, general magazines and news letter are available. They are arranged alphabetically. The latest issues are displayed on display rack and other previous issues are arranged in the drawer. Bound volumes of periodicals are arranged in rack alphabetically and are meat only for reference within the library.
Library Rules :
• Identity Card is compulsory for getting access to the library
• Silence to be maintained
• No discussion permitted inside the library
• Registration should be done to become a library member prior to using the library resources
• No personal belongings allowed inside the library
• Textbooks, printed materials and issued books are not allowed to be taken inside the library
• Using Mobile phones and audio instruments with or without speaker or headphone is strictly prohibited in the library premises.
• Enter your name and Sign in the register kept at the entrance counter before entering library
• Show the books and other materials which are being taken out of the library to the staff at the entrance counter.
• The librarian may recall any book from any member at any time and the member shall return the same immediately.
• Library borrower cards are not transferable. The borrower is responsible for the books borrowed on his/her card.
• Refreshment of any kind shall not be taken any where in the library premises.
• nobody should write upon, scribble, damage, turn down the leaves or marks on any library materials.
• Tracing or copying of any printed material is a serious offence by the copyright law of India.
• Any person found guilty will himself be solely responsible for such violations and bear the consequences accordingly.
Welcome to SAIT CENTRAL Library of the St. Aloysius Institute of Technology, Library is housed with all modern amenities. The mission of the Library is to provide information services and access to bibliographic, full text both in digital and printed resources to support the scholarly and information needs of all students, faculty members and staff. The college library is well equipped with large number of textbook, reference books, periodicals, journals and newspapers. The Library remains open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m on all working days.
Library Collection
The SAIT CENTRAL LIBRARY has a huge collection of over 20000 books in different branches, 1650 CD’s/ DVD’s and over 80 hard copy journals and magazines in last five years. The same tends to grow at a very expediential rate in coming years and library is well equipped with large number of textbook, reference books, periodicals, journals/ e Journals and newspapers.
The library receives 80 journals and 10 magazines in specialized areas. The library consists of reading hall, internet browsing center, reference section, open access periodical and research library. The library is automated with Library Software to ease its clientele at various levels while in the library.
The Library services are designed to ensure maximum use & participation of the users in the library . The services of the library include:
• Book Circulation Service
• Reference service / Referral Service
• Journals & General magazine section
• Newspaper section
• Web OPAC / Bibliographic service
• Online Access to e-resources
• Reprographic services
• SC/ST Book Bank scheme, Etc…
• SAIT Digital Library :
A SAIT digital library is a collection of documents in organized electronic form, available on the Internet or on CD-ROM (compact-disk read-only memory) disks. Depending on the specific library, a user may be able to access magazine articles, books, papers, images, sound files, and videos. SAIT CENTRAL Library digitized the following Materials.
• Books CDs
• E-Books
• NPTL (video Lectures)
• Faculty Publications
•Previous Years Question Papers
• Syllabus of All Semesters and all branches
• Newsletters, etc…..
Reference section:
• This section has Encyclopedia, dictionaries, Textbooks Reference books etc. which are only available for reference. User can make use of these resources.
Journal Section :
• In these section journals, general magazines and news letter are available. They are arranged alphabetically. The latest issues are displayed on display rack and other previous issues are arranged in the drawer. Bound volumes of periodicals are arranged in rack alphabetically and are meat only for reference within the library.
Library Rules :
• Identity Card is compulsory for getting access to the library
• Silence to be maintained
• No discussion permitted inside the library
• Registration should be done to become a library member prior to using the library resources
• No personal belongings allowed inside the library
• Textbooks, printed materials and issued books are not allowed to be taken inside the library
• Using Mobile phones and audio instruments with or without speaker or headphone is strictly prohibited in the library premises.
• Enter your name and Sign in the register kept at the entrance counter before entering library
• Show the books and other materials which are being taken out of the library to the staff at the entrance counter.
• The librarian may recall any book from any member at any time and the member shall return the same immediately.
• Library borrower cards are not transferable. The borrower is responsible for the books borrowed on his/her card.
• Refreshment of any kind shall not be taken any where in the library premises.
• nobody should write upon, scribble, damage, turn down the leaves or marks on any library materials.
• Tracing or copying of any printed material is a serious offence by the copyright law of India.
• Any person found guilty will himself be solely responsible for such violations and bear the consequences accordingly.
Deepak Sharma
Librarian & Head,
St.Aloysius Institute of Technology, Jabalpur
Email: deepak.ggct@gmail.com
Cell No: 9977509123