“The information has been provided by the concerned institution and the onus of authenticity lies with the institution and not on AICTE.”
NAME OF THE INSTITUTION: Aloysius Institute of Technology
St. Aloysius Institute of Technology
Address- Near Ekta Market, Gaur Bridge,
Gauraiya Ghat, Mandla Road Jabalpur (M.P.)
Phone:0761-2601152, 2602152,Fax:2629655
Email: saitjbp.gmail.com
AISHE Code : C-36084
DR.Fr. Davis George
St. Aloysius Institute of Technology
Address- Near Ekta Market, Gaur Bridge,
Gauraiya Ghat, Mandla Road Jabalpur (M.P.)
Phone: 0761-2601152
Email: saitjbp.gmail.com
III. NAME OF THE AFFILIATING UNIVERSITY: Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidalaya, Bhopal (M.P.)
- Members of the Board and their brief As per ANNEXURE- I
- Members of Academic Advisory Body. —
- Frequency of the Board Meetings and
Academic Advisory Body.
Organizational chart and processes
Board of Advisors
S.no |
Name |
Designation |
Mobile No. |
Address |
1 |
Dr. R.C. Pandey |
Principal |
09425370157 |
r.cpandey@yahoo.com |
Govt. Kalaniketan Polytechnic College, Jabalpur – 482001 |
2 |
Mr. Venkatesh Krishnan |
Director |
9321027313 |
Venkatesh68@gmail.com |
DWT Service |
3 |
Dr. R. K. Nema |
Professor, MANIT Bhopal |
9425376497 |
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, MANIT, Bhopal |
4 |
Er. Cecil Anthony |
Chief Mentor |
9903011555 |
Cecil@nshm.com |
NSHM Knowledge Campus & Chairman Kolkata Knowledge Campus, 124 B L Saha Road, Kolkata – 700 053 |
5 |
Mr. Prashant C. Shah |
Director |
9300101282 |
simplexprashant@hotmail.com |
Simplex Metal Processors (I) Pvt Ltd Plot No 70 D, Sector III, Pithampur Industrial Area, Dist Dhar, Madhya Pradesh. |
6 |
Ms Neelam Gupta |
Vice President |
9930680401 |
neelam.a.gupta@capgemini.com |
Cap Gemini, Mumbai |
7 |
Mr Manish Shukla |
General Manager |
9422302424 |
BRBRAIT, Jabalpur (gm_brbrait@bsnl.co.in) |
8 |
Mr Chaitanya Dubey |
Director |
9981009279 |
Chaitanya.dubey@bytebonding.com |
Byte Bonding Technologies Jabalpur |
The Members of the Governing Body
- Most Rev. Gerald Almeida
The Diocesan Corporation of Jabalpur
- Fr. Abraham T.A.
Vice Chairman
The Diocesan Corporation of Jabalpur
- Fr. Jagan Raj
The Diocesan Corporation of Jabalpur
- Fr. Davis George
Jt. Secretary
The Diocesan Corporation of Jabalpur
- Fr. Vazhan Arasu
The Diocesan Corporation of Jabalpur
- Fr. Leo
Administrator, SAIT
- Albert D’Souza
Chairman, St. John College of Engineering and Technology
- Nominee of RGPV
- Nominee of AICTE
10 Nominee of DTE
- Dilip Sen
Assot. Professor, SAIT
- Mrs Meeta Verma
Assot. Professor, SAIT
- Smita Shrivastava
Principal, SAIT
Organizational chart

- Nature and Extent of involvement of faculty 1 Proposal will be invited from the and students in academic affairs faculty & Students time to time
/improvements 2 Improvement of method of teaching
according to the syllabus
Mechanism/Norms & Procedure for Governance through different democratic /good Governance committees representing all segments
of Institute in democratic manner
Student Feedback on Institutional Feed back will be taken from the
Governance/faculty performance students, regarding the performance
of the faculty
Grievance redressal mechanism for Redressal through Disciplinary
faculty, staff and students Committee
- Name of the Programmes approved B.Tech(CSE,Civil,ME,EX,AIML,Data.Sc.)
by the AICTE 2.Poly-Diploma, (ME,CE)
- Name of the Programmes accredited Nil
by the AICTE
For each Programme the following
details are to be given:
- Name : Tech(CSE,Civil,ME,EX,AIML,Data.Sc.)),
Poly ME,Poly-CE
- Number of seats : 60 seats in each branch, EX(150)
- Duration : 4 years –B.Tech,3 Yr-Diploma
- Cut off mark/rank for admission : A
during the last three years
- Fee As per AFRC(MP) Govt. norms
- Placement Facilities Yes
- Campus placement in last three years 62%
with minimum salary, maximum 2.5 P.A.
salary and average salary. 10.4 P.A.
Name and duration of programme(s) Nil
having affiliation/collaboration with
Foreign University(s)/Institution(s)
and being run in the same Campus
along with status of their AICTE
approval. If there is foreign
collaboration, give the
following details:
Details of the Foreign Institution/University: N.A.
Name of the University/Institution
- Address
- Website
- Is the Institution/University Accredited
in its Home Country
- Ranking of the Institution /University
in the Home Country
- Whether the degree offered is equivalent
to an Indian Degree? If yes, the name of
the agency which has approved equivalence.
If no, implications for students in terms of
pursuit of higher studies in India and abroad
and job both within and outside the country.
- Nature of Collaboration
- Conditions of Collaboration
- Complete details of payment a
student has to make to get the full
benefit of collaboration.
For each Collaborative/affiliated A.
Programme give the following:
- Programme Focus
- Number of seats
- Admission Procedure
- Fee
- Placement Facility
- Placement Records for last three years
with minimum salary, maximum salary
and average salary
- Whether the Collaborative Programme is A.
approved by AICTE? If not whether the
Domestic/Foreign Institution has applied
to AICTE for approval as required under
notification no. 37-3/Legal/20005
dated 16th May, 2005
Branch wise list faculty members:
- Permanent Faculty ANNEXURE -II
- Visiting Faculty Enclosed
- Adjunct Faculty Enclosed
- Guest Faculty Enclosed
- Permanent Faculty: Student Ratio 1:20
- Number of faculty employed and left
during the last three years
For each Faculty give a page covering
1 Name: Dr. Smita Shrivastava
Date of Birth : 19/11/1970
Educational Qualification: M.E, Ph.D.-MANIT-BHOPAL
Work Experience:25 yrs.
– Teaching :23
– Research:02
– Industry:00
– Other
- Area of Specializations: Power System .
- FEE:
- Details of fee, as approved by State fee As per AFRC (MP)Govt. Norms.
Committee for the Institution.
- Time schedule for payment of fee for As per standard operating preceding(SOP)
the entire programme.
- of Fee Waivers granted with amount Nil
and name of students.
- Number of scholarship offered by the Admission under process
institute, duration and amount
- Criteria for fee waivers/scholarship. .
- Estimated cost of Boarding and Lodging As per Govt. Norms
in Hostels.
- Number of seats sanctioned with the AS PER AICTE 60 seats in each branch
year of approval. 2009
- Number of students admitted under
various categories each year in the Attached
last three years.
- Number of applications received during A.
last two years for admission under
Management Quota and number admitted.
- Mention the admission test being As Per DTE Norms
followed, name and address
of the test Agency and its www.dtempcounselling.org
URL (website).
Number of seats allotted to different Test
qualified candidates separately [JEE/
CET (State conducted test / University As Per Govt. Norms
test) / Association conducted test]
- Calendar for admission against No management seats
management / vacant seats: As per Direction of the Gov.
– Last date for request for applications.
– Last date for submission of application. N.A.
– Dates for announcing final results.
– Release of admission list (main list and
waiting list should be announced on the
same day)
– Date for acceptance by the candidate
(time given should in no case be less
than 15 days)
Last date for closing of admission. As per by DTE(MP)
– Starting of the Academic session. As per by RGPV
– The waiting list should be activated
only on the expiry of date of main
– The policy of refund of the fee, As per Govt. rules
in case of withdrawal, should declared by the govt., 10% of the total
be clearly notified.
- Describe each criteria with its respective As per Govt. norms
weight ages i.e. Admission Test, marks
in qualifying examination etc.
Mention the minimum level of As per Govt. Norms
acceptance, if any.
- Mention the cut-off levels of A.
percentage & percentile scores
of the candidates in the admission
test for the last three years.
- Display marks scored in test etc. Admission under process
and in aggregate for all candidates
who were admitted.
Item No. I – XI must be given in information brochure and must be hosted as fixed content in the website of the Institution. |
The Website must be dynamically updated with regard to XII-XV. |
- Downloadable application form, with Yes
online submission possibilities.
List of candidates whose applications
have been received along with
percentile / percentage score for NA
each of the qualifying examination
in separate categories for open seats.
List of candidates who have applied
along with percentage and percentile
score for Management quota seats.
a.) List of open candidates – Admission under process
- b) List of Management quota candidate – A.
Composition of selection team for
admission under Management Quota
with the brief profiles of members
(this information be made available in
the public domain after the admission
process is over).
- Score of the individual admitted
arranged in order of merit.
- List of candidates who have been A.
offered admission.
Waiting list of the candidates in
order of merit to be operative from
the last date of joining of the
first list candidates.
- List of the candidates who joined
within the date, vacancy position
in each category before operation
of waiting list.
Number of Library books / Titles ANNEXURE -IV
/ Journals available
- List of online National / International
Journals subscribed.
E- Library facilities software under installation
For each Laboratory
List of Major Equipment / Facilities
List of Experimental Setup
- Number and Configuration of Systems 400 Systems
- Total number of system connected by
- Total number of system connected
to WAN
- Internet bandwidth Broadband with 100 mbps ,
- Major software packages available Linux, Windows Vista Starter English SP-1 Pack
AutoCAD,K VAN,C++VB/ Fox Pro, Dsktp Campus All languages, Visual Studio Pro all lang., Forefront Client Security, WinHPCSvr, Win Svr Std
- Special purpose facilities available
WORKSHOP: List of facilities available:
Games and Sports Facilities Outdoor stadium, Equipment & Courts
Available for Athletics, Football, Basketball
Cricket, Volleyball, Badminton & other
Major Games/Sports.
Central Examination Facility, One exam centre available with
Number of rooms and capacity of each: Exam Supdt. along with all class rooms
(60 intake each), Lecture Theatre and Seminar Hall
Curricula and syllabi for each of the As per RGPV Bhopal
programmes as an approved by the
- Academic Calendar of the University Will be followed as per RGPV, Bhopal
- Academic Time Table As per RGPV Bhopal.
- Teaching Load of each Faculty Approximately 15-20 Pds. per week
- Internal Continuous Evaluation Monitoring through own developed
System and place.
Software package
- Students’ assessment of Faculty, Feed back system from students
System in place.
For each Post Graduate programme
give the following:
- Title of the Programme A.
- Curricula and Syllabi
- Faculty Profile
SI |
1. |
—————————————NA————————– |
Brief profile of each faculty.
- Laboratory facilities exclusive to
the PG programme
Special Purpose (PG): N.A
Software, all design tools in case
- Academic Calendar and frame work
- Research focus
List of typical research projects. NA
- Industry Linkage
- Publication (if any) out of research
in last three years out of masters
- Placement status
- Admission procedure
- Fee Structure
- Hostel facilities NA
- Contact address of co-ordinator
of the PG programme
Note: Suppression and / or misrepresentation of information would attract
appropriate penal action.
Members of the Board and their brief background
Sr. No. |
Name |
Academic Qualification |
Nature of Association with the Promoting Body |
Experience in Academic Institutions (in year) |
Overall Experience (in Years) |
Technical |
Non Techn ical |
Promotio nal |
Management |
Organisational |
01 |
Most Rev.Gerald Almeida |
B.A. B.Th. D.D. |
Bishop of Jabalpur Diocese |
13 |
— |
20 |
Rev. Fr. Jacob Mullappally |
M.A. B. Th. |
Vicar General of Jabalpur Diocese |
— |
30 |
— |
30 |
Dr. Fr. Davis George |
M.A. B.Th. B.Ed. Ph.D. |
Secretary/Treasurer of St. Aloysius College Corporation |
— |
25 |
— |
25 |
05 |
Dr. Fr. Valan Arasu |
M.A. M. Phil. Ph.D. |
Member |
— |
10 |
— |
10 |
06 |
Rev. Fr. George P A |
M.A. B,Ed, LLB |
Member |
— |
35 |
– |
35 |
07 |
Rev. Fr. Ouseph Akkarkaram |
M.A B.Ed |
Member |
— |
35 |
— |
35 |
Institute Name : [223],St. Aloysius Institute of Technology |
Appendix A-01 Teaching Staff (Regular only) (For U/G) |
College Name:- St. Aloysius Institute of Technology, Jabalpur |
College Code:- 0223
Details of Laboratories & Workshops
S.No |
Name of the Course |
Name of the laboratory/workshop |
Total Area of lab/workshop |
Major equipment |
1 |
EC |
Electronic Lab |
108.6 |
List Enclosed
2 |
ME |
Basic Mechanical Engg. |
160 |
List Enclosed
3 |
Engineering Mechanics |
120 |
List Enclosed
4 |
Workshop |
905 |
List Enclosed |
5 |
Basic Civil Engineering |
108.6 |
List Enclosed |
6 |
EX |
B.E.E |
208 |
List Enclosed |
7 |
Basic Science Engg. |
Engineering Chemistry Lab |
190 |
List Enclosed |
8 |
Engineering Physics Lab |
213 |
Total Area = 2013.2 m2
1 |
– |
Computing Center |
228.6 |
PIV Core 2 Duo, 80 GB HDD, 256 MB RAM (70), |
Total Area including Laboratory, Workshop and Computer Center = 2241.8 Sq.m
Information Regarding Laboratories
Name of Laboratories & Department to which attached |
Equipments / Machines available in the Laboratories |
Lancaster Boiler |
Locomotive Boiler |
Babcock &Wilcox Boiler |
Cochran Boiler |
2 Stroke Patrol Engine |
4 Stroke Patrol Engine |
2 Stroke Diesel Engine |
4 Stroke Diesel Engine |
External steam Engine |
Blow off cock |
Expansion steam tap |
Green Enconomiser |
Sugen super Heater |
Tensile Testing |
Engineering Mechanics |
Triangle & Parallelogram of force Appts. |
Parallelogram of force Appts.with weights |
Polygon of Force Appts |
Joint Roof Truss on Wheels |
Bell Crank Lever with weights |
Law of Moment Appts |
Winch Crab Single Purchase |
Compound wheel and Axie |
Warm & Warm Wheel (Doouble) |
Screw Jack Appts |
Compound Inclined Plane Iron base and weights |
Flat Belt Friction Appts & Compund coil |
Parallel Force Appts (10 kg balance) |
Fly wheel 25 cms |
Simple Jib Crane with weights
Engineering Physics Lab |
Diode / Zener Diode Characteristics Kit |
Transister Characteristics kit |
Energy band gap kit |
Resolving Power of telescope |
Micrometer slit |
Michelson Interferometer complte set |
Laser charecteristics kit With He-Ne Laser 2 mw |
Newtons Ring setup comlete set |
BiPrism Assembly complete set |
Determination of wavelength of light by Prism |
Complete set with light source |
Determination of RI By Grating complete set |
with light source |
Polarimeter BiQUARTZ |
Hall Effect Setup |
GM Counter system GC:602A (Research Model) |
End window GM Detector |
Stand for End wndow detector |
Radio active source kit |
Lead absorber set AA:270 |
Data Communication Software for downloading |
Redwood Viscometer no.11022A |
Redwood Viscometer no.2 1024A |
Cleveland point Appts CIMC-1134A |
Ables Flash Point Appts 1003A |
Cloud & Pour Point Appts CIMC1005A |
Bomb Calorimeter Apparatus with Backman Thermometer 0.01C |
Model IMC 557A |
Penskey Martin Appts CIMC-1012A |
Digital Electronic Balance Acc..001g,Cap.120 g CA 123 |
Analytical Balance with weight Box |
Digital pH meter model 111 |
Water Distillation Appts 4 Lits/hrs |
Mufflle Furnace 1000.Temp 100x100x225 |
Universal Oven 14″x14″x14″ |
Burette 50 ml. |
Burette stand with clamp |
Desicator 6″ |
Reagent Bottle 250ml |
Reagent Bottle 500ml |
Pipette Different range 2ml, 5ml, 10ml, 30ml |
Pipette Stand |
TT Stand |
Test Tube 15×125 |
Conical Flask250ml |
Conical Flask500ml |
Beaker 250 ml |
R.B.Flask 100ml |
R.B.Flask 250ml
Information Regarding Workshop
Workshop |
Equipments / Machines available in the Workshop |
Machine Shop, Fitting shop, Carpentry Shop, Welding, Foundry- Pattern Molding shop, Black Smithy shop |
Library facilities |
I |
Total area of the library
Seating capacity of the library
Reprographic facility (yes / No)
Working hours of library Library Networking facility (yes / No) Usage data of the library (in terms of books issued to the faculty & students etc.) Annual library budget (% of annual student fee collected) Details of the library staff with qualifications and pay scales Details of the library facilities
: |
605 sqm
09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.
02 books per student & 06 books per faculty
Reference Service, Online journal access, Audio-Visual Learning facility in Multimedia Section, O.P.A.C., providing old unsolved question papers, Information Resource Sharing with American Information Resource Centre, New Delhi & British Library, Bhopal, Reprography facility, Ready Reference facility, Book Bank