Upcoming Campus – PolicyBazaar.com

Upcoming Campus –  PolicyBazaar.com – Date- 4th  July 2018


*DATE:  04.07.18*
*ELIGIBLE: 2018 & Passout Batches*
*BRANCHES: BA, BBA, BCA, BE, B.Tech, B.Com, BHM, B.Sc, B Pharma, BMS, MBA Marketing*
*Designation: Associate Sales Consultant*
*Location: Gurgaon*
*Salary: 2.41 LPA to 3.00 LPA*
*_Only Day Shift Job No Night Shifts_*
*Time:9:30AM Sharp*
*Venue: St. Aloysius Institute of Technology,Gaur Road*

Ankuran 2018

Ankuran 2018: Co-ordinator : Mrs. Pragati Khumbharey,  Incharge: Mrs. Shweta Agrawal

Important Dates:

DATE: 22nd March 2018

TIME: Model and Poster Presentation – 10:00 a.m. – 01:00 p.m.

VENUE: St. Aloysius Institute of Technology (SAIT)

Students Registration till 10th March

Submission of Model and Poster: 19th March

Themes: Model

  • Future Cities: Students must come up with a solution to a citywide sustainability issue such as storm water management, and green energy.
  • Ecommunity Challenge: Students must develop a solution to an actual environmental issue affecting their community.
  • Idea 360 – challenge to students to develop ideas to tackle the pressures on the world’s Food, Water and Energy resources.

Themes: Poster

Reach Out: Students are required to come up with a solution for Challenges associated with Community Development such as Rural Sanitation, Livelihoods & Education etc.

Future Cities: Students must come up with a solution to a citywide sustainability issue such as storm water management, and green energy.

Rules and Regulations:

Model Display: Individual or Teams. Teams can be comprised of maximum 05 students.

Poster Presentation: Individual or Teams. Teams can be comprised of maximum 02 students.

  • 2 models per mentoring group.
  • Only students currently enrolled in the college are eligible.
  • Teams should be ready with a presentation explaining their project at the time of judgement.
  • Organizing Committee Judgement is final in all respect.

Yuvansh 1.0 Home page link

Alumini Message

How to prepare for campus placement ?
The following are the rounds which we need to clear for T.C.S  selection proceess:
1. Aptitude test
2. Email writing
My best wishes to all the juniors!!
Thanks & Regards,
Sagar Choudha
Capgemini (Software Engineer)