Sheikh Zayed Sustainability Award

We are proud to inform you that St. Aloysius Institute of Technology (SAIT) has been shortlisted as a finalist for the Sheikh Zayed Sustainability Award.  Selected Institutions from different parts of the world will participate the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week (ADSW) (from 12th January to 19th January 2019) and the awards ceremony of the Zayed Sustainability Prize, on January 14, 2019.  Dr Fr. Davis George, Director, SAIT, Asst. Prof. Akshay Sharma   (Faculty, SAIT), and Mr. Tarun Mento (Student, SAIT) will attend the programme at Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Upcoming Campus –

Upcoming Campus – – Date- 4th  July 2018


*DATE:  04.07.18*
*ELIGIBLE: 2018 & Passout Batches*
*BRANCHES: BA, BBA, BCA, BE, B.Tech, B.Com, BHM, B.Sc, B Pharma, BMS, MBA Marketing*
*Designation: Associate Sales Consultant*
*Location: Gurgaon*
*Salary: 2.41 LPA to 3.00 LPA*
*_Only Day Shift Job No Night Shifts_*
*Time:9:30AM Sharp*
*Venue: St. Aloysius Institute of Technology,Gaur Road*



It was a glorious moment for St. Aloysius Institute of Technology as it witnessed a marvelous success of its students named Mohit Chowksey , Pradeep Marco, Mohd Sahil Khan who bagged Chancellor Award.

 Overall high percentage secured by Kushal Sen who was felicitated by Dr. Fr. Davis George. All the three students were given certificate and scholarship cheque issued by RGPV. 
This function was graced by the presence of Dr. Fr. Davis George, Fr. Thomas Mathew, Registrar Anoop Banerjee, HOD Dr. Dilip Sen and staff members.Everyone was delighted at the achievement of the students. Dr. Fr. Davis George extended heartfelt wishes congratulated all the achievers and motivated others for working hard and attaining zenith achievements in life.The credit of this achievement according to Mohit Chouksey goes to the wonderful assembly pattern which inculcates confidence and boosts the morale of the participants also he said the regular attendance and 7-8 hours of studies with strong determination helps to achieve the goal. Brief interactive session with the achievers for all the students were conducted where in question answer session helped the other aspirants by knowing and learning various strategies to bag the award with flying colours .
 The great achievement of SAIT is due to the strong commitment and quality education with sound values imparted to the students by the institution who is excelling great heights under the leadership of Dr. Fr. Davis George ,who encourages to be a winner in all the circumstances .

Ankuran 2018

Ankuran 2018: Co-ordinator : Mrs. Pragati Khumbharey,  Incharge: Mrs. Shweta Agrawal

Important Dates:

DATE: 22nd March 2018

TIME: Model and Poster Presentation – 10:00 a.m. – 01:00 p.m.

VENUE: St. Aloysius Institute of Technology (SAIT)

Students Registration till 10th March

Submission of Model and Poster: 19th March

Themes: Model

  • Future Cities: Students must come up with a solution to a citywide sustainability issue such as storm water management, and green energy.
  • Ecommunity Challenge: Students must develop a solution to an actual environmental issue affecting their community.
  • Idea 360 – challenge to students to develop ideas to tackle the pressures on the world’s Food, Water and Energy resources.

Themes: Poster

Reach Out: Students are required to come up with a solution for Challenges associated with Community Development such as Rural Sanitation, Livelihoods & Education etc.

Future Cities: Students must come up with a solution to a citywide sustainability issue such as storm water management, and green energy.

Rules and Regulations:

Model Display: Individual or Teams. Teams can be comprised of maximum 05 students.

Poster Presentation: Individual or Teams. Teams can be comprised of maximum 02 students.

  • 2 models per mentoring group.
  • Only students currently enrolled in the college are eligible.
  • Teams should be ready with a presentation explaining their project at the time of judgement.
  • Organizing Committee Judgement is final in all respect.

Yuvansh 1.0 Home page link

Alumini Message

How to prepare for campus placement ?
The following are the rounds which we need to clear for T.C.S  selection proceess:
1. Aptitude test
2. Email writing
My best wishes to all the juniors!!
Thanks & Regards,
Sagar Choudha
Capgemini (Software Engineer)